Who We Are
Who we are and why we're here
Life after brain injury presents lots of challenges - the nature and combination of after-effects of this complex injury can pose barriers for people to get back to their old life or build a new one that is personally satisfying. Headstart is committed to providing individually tailored and long term supports for people to become more independent, create life choices and regain a sense of belonging.
Headstart started in the Hunter in 1987 and developed out of a lack of available services for people living with brain injury and their families.
Our approach is to provide individualised and group supports that create opportunities for people to achieve in life, and reconnect with the things that matter to them or find new passions. We provide flexible individualised services such as:
• in home support
• life skills practice
• attendant care
• community involvement activities either one to one or with a small circle of friends
• social, leisure and recreational connections
• planning and support co-ordination, and case management
• community awareness and education
We provide the type of everyday supports so you can live your best life - in other words make choices about how you wish to live, how you spend your time, and how you want your future to look.
Our experience means that we have some good ideas for what works. Our approach is do whatever it takes to assist a person beyond the devastation of brain injury so they find their place in the world where they feel valued and understood as they are.
Our Headstart Ambassadors are passionate about educating our community about brain injury. We are excited to have so many committed people involved including Aussie soccer legend Craig Johnston.
“Our expertise in brain injury is our difference.”
Our vision is for people living with brain injury to have opportunities that enrich and strengthen their lives.
Our purpose is to make a difference in the lives of people touched by brain injury by providing opportunities and inspiring hope.
Our values
• People focussed
• Ethics above all
• Bold and innovative
• Adaptable
• Fair and open
• Sensitive
Headstart ABI Services is a company limited by guarantee (CLG), endorsed by the ATO as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) and has PBI status. The organisation is governed by a volunteer Board of Management comprising members of the business and educational communities, and people who have personal experience of ABI.