Services & Supports
Planning and co-ordination
It is important for you to find out about the variety of options and services that may suit you and your future. Our support co-ordinators understand brain injury and can assist you to find providers to fit your choices and needs best.
• They support you to develop goals and formulate a plan for success. It may also be a trial and error approach to new opportunities.
• Their role is to find services, resources and facilities that may be useful and provide support to make it easier to solve everyday dilemmas.
• Their job is to help you achieve your goals and ensure your services deliver the outcomes you want.
“Support Co-ordination is also about strengthening your abilities to co-ordinate your supports in the future. You then make it happen in your life.”
Our co-ordinators come from the local area and have a variety of experience and knowledge of the Hunter and Central Coast.
Talk to us if you would like more information about our Support Co-ordination under NDIS.
We also provides specialised case management services in the insurance or LTCS sector where an understanding of brain injury reduces barriers.