Work With Us
What drives us - our vision, purpose, core values and beliefs
Our vision is ‘for people living with brain injury to have opportunities that strengthen and enrich their lives’. Our core purpose at Headstart is ‘To make a difference in the lives of people touched by brain injury by providing opportunities and inspiring hope.’ This is our single most important purpose. Every role, every person at Headstart connects to our vision and purpose.
“When we employ, we look for people who share these values.”
Our 6 core values support our vision and purpose, shape our culture and reflect who we are:
1. People focussed
2. Bold & Innovative
3. Adaptable
4. Fair & Open
5. Sensitive to need
6. Ethics above all
Our approaches to our consumers and the people who work with us are fully aligned:
• Whatever it takes - we strive to find creative solutions that suit you
• Find Your strengths - discover your resilience, confidence and "can do's"
• Reframe the challenge - sometimes people get stuck, and we help to look at a problem from a different angle
• Learning together - we believe in trial and error everyday - what works for you, and what may not
• Always growing- getting back on track may seem a far off dream. We join your journey to a place where brain injury doesn't define you, but your achievements and successes do
• Create an environment - where you find inspiration to dream more, do more in a way that suits you, your life and choices.
What’s it like to work at Headstart?
Headstart knows exactly what brain injury is and what it looks like, we are the specialists. No-one knows what the outcome can be for people with brain injuries but something good comes out of everything. Headstart provides the supports to our consumers and their families to find that path.
Find out more about what a day in the life looks like for a Community Support Worker at Headstart:
Career opportunities
The majority of our workforce in the Community Support Worker roles are employed on a casual basis to allow flexibility in providing supports and services to our consumers.
When we recruit into vacant roles we’re always looking to the future. We want to build our talent and support our people through a fulfilling career in strengthening and enriching the lives of people with ABI. Through skills and on the job support we can help you build your own career path.
Diversity and inclusiveness
Our consumers come from very diverse backgrounds and we look for this diversity in the people we employ. This allows people to really be themselves - their different interests, skills and perspectives. It’s what we value … it’s our point of difference.
We recognise that an inclusive and diverse workplace not only means that our people feel valued, it helps build an innovative and externally connected team with our consumers at the heart.
All of this and the values we hold is part of our drive to build an inclusive, diverse and fair place to work.
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This menu (CTRL+U) provides assistance with keyboard navigation, page reading, contrast, link highlighting, larger text and cursor, and more. Headstart strives to ensure that its services, including this website, are easy to use and accessible to people with disabilities. For information on accessibility for this website please read our Accessibility Statement