Stories & Achievements: Tony’s Story
Tony’s story: time for staying positive
I had my stroke on May 2nd, 2012, what caused the stroke was a piece of plaque that was in my neck that dislodged and lodged itself into the left-hand side of my brain. What led up to the stroke was drinking, cigarettes and stress. After the stroke, I was completely paralysed on my right side. When you can’t move you are very vulnerable, you don’t understand how vulnerable you are. After day two in the hospital, I was begging the staff to send me to the rehabilitation hospital at Rankin Park.
This where my journey began, and I was so determined at this point I said to the Doctor I will be out of here in a week. I gave the Doctor a date and told him this is the day I will walk out of here. Rehabilitation was so so hard, but I was super keen and even asked if I could have extended periods of rehab. I was in a bubble and that bubble was to get better and get more mobile. It worked and on that particular Friday one week later I had to do a test with the physio which I passed. I then was released on the date I told the doctor and I walked out with a walking stick.
After hospital when I walked back into my house and sat down, I was so elated, and I was so excited. I then realized okay, so that's done, what do I do now. This was the period where I got very depressed. I then discovered eBay when I sold a saxophone online. I thought it was pretty easy and then thought an online business will suit me and I can stay at home. I wanted to create a niche market, but the item had to be fairly portable and easy to post. I had an old watch and put it online and it sold. Then over six months, I began to teach myself how to take a watch apart, rebuild it, put back together making it both work and look good. I then began my business of buying, repairing and selling watches.
I believe it is all about positive reinforcement. I believe that being a very positive person, you get positive things back. I don't believe in a lot of things, but I believe in myself. You can make things a lot better for yourself and live a much more fulfilled life if you believe in yourself. I find that the stroke was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I became more introspect and took life more seriously. I absolved myself from all my previous bad habits and now I am living the dream. It has been a good fortune but having said that you make your own fortune and having a stroke gave me space to re-evaluate and refocus on the important things.
“Today I have probably sold over 6000 watches. ”
My wife can now come home at the end of the day and say how's your day been? Instead of saying I sat watching tv, I can say quite truthfully, it's been a really busy day. When I first returned home my medication bills were quite high, still are. The first stage where I thought wow this is great is when I could afford to buy my medication without having to ask for money. Having that money to do your own thing is very liberating, it's been very good for my self-esteem.
Headstart has helped me retain myself as a father to my children and it's a wonderful thing to be able to be like a normal father, looking after his children. The best thing about Headstart is obviously the workers and that's where the company is, without good workers then you're not a great company. I put goals in place in my mind and I get support from Headstart for those goals.
“As I say to all my workers, I’m the luckiest person in the world and I believe that.
- Tony”