Stories & Achievements: Rob’s Story
Rob’s story: One day at a time
My brain injury was in 2002. It happened when I was in jail for some unpaid fines and silly things I did when I was drunk. I was pretty much an alcoholic back then. I was still young and had a lot to learn.
All I can remember was being in the shower and I went black. I woke up in hospital and asked the nurse “why am I here?” and she told me I’d had a brain injury. I really can’t remember anything but I do know who hit me. He was a very big bloke. Hit me about twenty times. He’s in jail for life. I had lots of broken bones and the doctors had to put me into a coma for nine months just to repair me.
After that I got off the booze and cigarettes for 15 years. I’ll never smoke marijuana again, there’s too many bad sides to it.
For recovery I was in a walking frame for about ten years, even while doing my karate. Then I started walking on my own and I was doing allright. But after a few falls I’ve now got a walking stick that I use. I don’t get any headaches and the only physical pain I get is in my left knee if I walk too much.
I live in a group home and have been here for eighteen years. I’ve had three housemates over that time.
I really just thought I’d try karate for a couple of months. I first went to learn to defend myself but over the years it became one of my main hobbies. I said to the instructor Peter “I like it, I want to do it.”
At one stage I came with a walker and even had a trouble getting in the door. But I came a long way since then. I did karate for about 16 years and even got my black belt. My mother knew about it, but she never told me! She was there when they gave it to me. I was in tears, so surprised.
“I was really taken aback to be awarded a black belt. I didn’t think I was that good!”
I used to do karate every Thursday. I walked there, sometimes walked back. Coming back home though, it was a bit too much so I’d sit down a give myself five minutes then walk again. When I got home I was tired and sore so I found a shortcut which helped. I’ve now stopped doing karate.
Lately I enjoy golf. I’ve been going to the golf range and next year I want to go the golf course. I go with my support worker Ryan who plays golf with me on Monday’s.
On Wednesday’s I normally go to JB HiFi with support worker Brett. If I’ve got any money I’ll buy something, otherwise we just go have a look around. Sometimes you can get DVD’s really cheap at JB HiFi, like A Clockwork Orange. My favourite movies are the Star Wars movies – all of them!
Then we’ll go and have something to eat and then Brett drives me home. Sometimes we might go to a park for a smoke or the beach. It’s good out at Nobbys Beach! The support workers are like mates to me. Otherwise I like to just stick to myself.
Over the years I’ve had lots of support workers – Sue, Kesley, Cheryl. I really like my support workers.
I do like to get out even though I’m a really quiet bloke when I get talking to my support workers I can’t stop. I bottle it up you see.
“I do like to get out even though I’m a really quiet bloke when I get talking to my support workers I can’t stop. I bottle it up you see.”
I’m very honest with people. As a kid I copped so much discipline from my father for lying that I’m not going to lie like that again, not ever. So I’ll just tell you the truth, whether I offend you or not, the point is I’m always honest.
Headstart began supporting me in 2003, very soon after my assault. I used to do a lot of things, like Rec – ten pin bowling, going to the reptile park, visiting quite a few places. I saw a Dingo at the park, I really like dingoes. I also like dogs, they’re loyal dogs… and I love cats. Tasmanian Devils too, I like them!
Something I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid is skydiving. I want to jump out of a plane! It’s not cheap so I’ll have to plan financially for it. The CSW’s are trying to help me find somewhere cheap to skydive.
I like Star Wars, science fiction, Doctor Who, Star Trek. I’d actually like to go up to space! People say of you went up to space you’d want to come straight back down. I say “no man, bugger the earth, I want to stay up here in space, I’ll live up here.”
I was just talking to my occupational therapist today. I want to learn how to walk properly without using a walking stick or frame. That’d be good. That’s my goal for the new year.