Stories & Achievements: Leonie’s Story
Leonie’s story: back in the salon
I was just driving one day and I scratched my face. I couldn’t feel it and I thought “that’s a bit unusual.” So I told my doctor and he sent me for a CT scan, and that’s when they found a tumour as big as a peach in my head. They reckon it had been growing in my brain for ten years.
So they had to operate twice: they went in the front and behind the ear. Because it was near the brain stem they couldn’t remove it all. At the time of the operations I ended up having three strokes. The first operation I was affected on the right arm, but I could still walk. At that point I had been a hairdresser for 35 years and I had my own hair salon but I had to give that up. Then I had a second operation I couldn’t walk or talk after two strokes. So it’s taken me four years to get to where I am now.
“Just last month my girlfriend who runs a salon offered me a day to help her clean up and be her apprentice and I love it! ”
So I work every Tuesday, last two weeks it was 9am until 7pm. Lot’s of talking, lots of laughing and the ankles are a bit swollen by the time I get home, but other than that I feel great.
My husband bought me a brand new car and I’m going for my licence as I haven’t driven for four years. I got it modified because I’ll need a steering spinner because I’ve got to steer with just the left hand side. So I’ve been going for lessons with a driving instructor and hopefully in the next couple of months I’ll have my licence again. I’m nervous, but it’s just confidence I think. I drove for twenty odd years. I don’t know why I lost my confidence but I have.
“Driving is one of my goals, taking my son to school, going to the shops. Not to go very far, just to get out and go and visit some people and things like that.”
I’ve got great support from my mum and my sister who I am really close to. My husband and kids are very supportive of me too.
One of the things that changed a lot is not being able to play sport or go to the gym anymore. That’s hard. But I’ve got a spin bike at home and my sister takes me to exercise classes on a Thursday.
The best thing about Headstart is the relationship that I have with the support workers. They’ve been great. Even the ones that have filled their positions when they go on holiday. I get on well with all of them and they’ve been fantastic. Some are a lot younger than me but it’s just like I’m an older sister and that’s great.
I had radiation six weeks ago, so when lockdown was on it was good for me because I was tired after that and just stayed at home. My support workers had to take me to the Mater every day for about six weeks so they have been a part of my journey.
My other goals are to do a good job running the household, do some cooking and baking. I used to be a very good cook. So I’m slowly getting back into making some cakes and things for the kids lunches. At the moment I’m just pottering around. My support workers are just starting to help me with this. Otherwise with I sometimes go out for a nice lunch with one of them or to the movies.
News Update ( 10 Dec 2020): It was Leonie’s birthday today, and she passed her driving test! After a couple of years, and overcoming some significant barriers Leonie has achieved one of her major goals.
Leonie had the car… and now importantly also the keys!
Leonie’s other new toy.