Stories & Achievements: Hannah’s Story
Support workers Paige and Julia help Hannah each week with her hydro.
Hannah's story: happy hydro
“What is a fly without wings?” asks Hannah. “A walk.”
A sense of humour goes a long way in a person’s enjoyment of life, and Hannah is no exception. Aphasia and dyspraxia of speech makes it difficult for Hannah to communicate with others and for others to understand her. This doesn’t stop Hannah having a quip or two every day.
Hannah’s ABI is from Hydrocephalus (the buildup of fluid in the cavities or ventricles deep within the brain) at an early age. She currently resides at an Aged Care facility.
“It’s good here. Everyone’s nice.” Hannah says, “Everyone’s my friend.” While she is content at her home, Hannah loves her hydro sessions several times a week.
““I love being in the water! Makes me feel free. Helps me move around and do something with my body. Perfect in the water to move. Keeps me fit. It’s the best.” - Hannah”
Paige is one of Hannah’s regular support workers. “Hannah is now a lot more energetic and it’s good to see her able to move without restriction.”
“These days we are doing a lot of hydro with Hannah, but when we aren’t we have a nice day in her room listening to music and painting nails. We might go for a drive, or for a coffee. Hannah just enjoys the company.”
“Hannah’s goals are to meet more people, lose weight and walk better without support. Hannah wasn’t able to walk at all before starting hydro. When leaving the pool now we’ll usually help her to walk to the car rather than use her wheelchair. It’s just to give her a bit more practice. Hannah walked the entire length of the big pool last week with just her walking stick! It’s been a big change and her strength has definitely improved.”
Paige asked Hannah how we are helping. “You me do things on my own,” responds Hannah. “I like being with other people.”
When asked what’s good about Headstart, Hannah says, “You’re working my brain.”
“I’ve worked with Hannah for around five years or more, so quite a long time. Hannah is really bubbly and always keen to hear a joke or tell a joke!”
“As a CSW I do hydro with Hannah every Friday. When I first started working with Hannah I supported her to visit a Physio once a week. The first time we went swimming I was a little nervous because I didn't know how long it had been since Hannah last swam. Working with the Physio we had to trial the wheelchair lifter and work out what sort of feet to use with it, and how we were going to support Hannah in the pool.”
“I'd never done anything like this, but then as soon as the wheelchair lift went into the pool Hannah just jumped off and swam so freely and independently by herself. There’s two CSW’s on each hydro shift. Hannah’s pool exercises involve walking up and down the pool, arm exercises particularly with her weak hand, stretching, floating around and then finishing off in the spa. It’s a two person job helping Hannah with all of this, as well as getting her safely in and out of the pool.”
“Hannah has seen great improvements in the area of pain. I've noticed how even her walking in the pool has got so much better over time. She's now a lot stronger and can walk and do the exercises without holding onto me.”
“Besides the physical benefits she's getting, Hannah is really social at the pool. She may bump into other Headstart consumers who also do hydro and she's made a lot of friends that see each other regularly because they're there on the same days. They all encourage Hannah to do the exercises and it’s just a really great little community.”
It’s great that Hannah can move freely and independently in the water which is something that she can't do on land. It's a form of exercise because usually she’s sitting in a wheelchair at her nursing home.
I would just say that despite all her challenges Hannah is always optimistic and very positive. She always says to me ‘just chill lady!’ Her motto about life is just chill.”
- Katrina (CSW)
Hannah with Friday support worker Katrina.
Hannah loves ending her hydro sessions in the spa.
“During COVID Hannah lost much of her mobility and was wheelchair bound. Over lockdown her mood was really low. Living in a nursing home she was really isolated and we struggled to find things for Hannah to do. Hannah’s quality of life was really suffering and she put on some weight.
“Hannah mentioned that she loved swimming as a little girl and one of her goals was to do hydrotherapy. We did a plan review with her father Bruce and her COS and soon Hannah was doing hydro three days a week! ”
Two support staff assist her and she absolutely loves it. Initially Hannah struggled getting out of the wheelchair and transferring in and out of vehicles as she was in a lot of pain. The improvement has been just astounding and now Hannah really is so mobile that she walks from her bedroom out to reception with a big smile on her face to greet support staff!
So over the last year her mobility has improved so much after being wheelchair bound.
- Beth, CoWorker